sinnamon's Diaryland Diary


the uberfreshmen

I just had a biology exam that took about 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes for me to stare at the two pages and think "When the fuck did we cover this shit?" make up some answers and get my ass out of there.

I think I did well.

So I am sitting here in the library, AIMing Bill, trying to get a little cybernookie when some chick from my bio class comes up to me and scares the mofo out of me.

Her: You are in my bio class right?

I do not recognize this chick. Not a surprise though, the class has only been going on 2 weeks so far and I do not attempt to socialize with anyone in the class. That would require too much effort. So I just say yeah.

Me: Yeah.

Mainly because obviously I am in her bio class if she recognized me.

Her: What did you think of that test?
Me: Um, it was short?

I have no idea what she wants me to say, so I just say something obvious.

Her: Don't you think it was like, totally ridiculous?

Now I am staring at her blankly. I start reaching...

Me: Well I thought the first question was a little intimidating.
Her: It was ridiculous.
Me: Well, it was obviously based more on the reading than the lectures

Now it's her turn to stare blankly. I can see her thinking "reading? read what?" and I almost said "you know that $120 dollar bio book that daddy bought you at the beginning of the semester? sometimes you have to open it up and see what's inside!" But I held my tongue. She keeps glancing at my open AIM, I hope she doesn't recognize the ascii boobies and penii.

Her: Well, we are writing him an email about the test. If you could write one too it would be good.
Me: okay
Her: Thanks
Me: No problem.

I have absolutely no intentions of writing the professor an email to complain about the test. (Although I would not object to him going easy on the grading there, basically I am willing to reap the benefits, but do none of the work :D) I was just trying to pacify her. Sitting here, relating the experience to Bill made him reply with "Wait till Organic Chem!"

Exactly! This bio class is a baby that pulls your hair compared to the ass raping, no lube, no mercy, sadist Organic Chem is. It just made me think of how "ridiculous" it was that they had a problem with the test.

Hello, freshman, we are not in highschool anymore. In HS you can get away with not reading the text, but in college, nope, you have to read the text AND do homework. I know it's scary to think about but that's life.

Anyway, I am just so glad I have an easy class like Bio this term so I can relax and my ass can recover from last semesters's reaming.

I just wish I didn't have to endure the class with 20 babies who cry over 15 minute exams. Most freshmen in my other classes are awesome, you can't really tell t hey are freshmen. But with this bio class, it's the UberFreshmen.

And they irritate me :/

11:47 AM - 041502


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