sinnamon's Diaryland Diary


pokemon makes me randy

�I want to fuck you like an animal, I want to feel you from the inside.� � NIN, Closer

I want to dedicate this entry to something that I really, really love: couch sex.

I probably talk about the sex way too much in my diary. Do any of you think that? Oh you do? Oh well you can piss off! :D

So where was I? Oh couch sex.

I love couch sex. The best sex I have ever had was on a couch.

Couch sex is good for a number of reasons. It�s my favorite position for one thing. Sitting. It puts your breasts in optimal positioning for fondle-age. It�s usually spontaneous and it�s not the traditional bed sex.

I think I love couch sex even MORE than car sex. Whoa.

Anyway, the best sex I have ever had was on a couch. We were watching a movie or something. Oh wait, we were watching Pokemon! I remember. Don�t ask me why we were watching Pokemon. We were watching Pokemon and I was horny. I was awake, so of course I was horny. And I wasn�t too keen on watching freaking Pokemon. So I reach over and start rubbing my boyfriend in the general crotchal area. His wang responded appreciatively. I loved this boy�s wang dearly. It was such a nice wang. Nice size, girth, taste, everything.

Pretty soon we are pulling clothes off and fumbling with zippers. That�s another thing I love about couch sex is that most of the time we did it, we were partially clothed. So off comes the pants and then I mount. The sex with him was always incredibly good. My orgasms usually came [ha!] pretty quickly. He was a really good breast handler. Which is important to me for orgasms, but I know a lot of girls aren't like that.

An orgasm hits me and I am screaming and moaning [I feel sorry for his neighbors]. When I have an orgasm I have to stop moving and just let it go. It always takes up all of my senses so that I can�t do anything but have an orgasm.

Anyway, I had to stop riding and orgasm. When it passed, I began moving again. And that�s when the second orgasm hit me.

Now, I have had multiple orgasms before but they were usually orgasms inside of other orgasms. Like I would peak, and before it subsided, I would peak again. But this time it was actually two completely separate orgasms. And it was a first for me.

Me: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!@#!@#
Him: Again???

The second orgasm was even better. I was squealing and everything. I love orgasms.

God, that sex was so good, I almost had a third one.

Eventually, my boyfriend lifted me up and laid me on the couch and humped the hell out of me. I love it when they are thrusting so hard and fast it makes them grunt.

After it was over and we laid there panting and covered in the sex sweat, he looked and me and said �I thought you didn�t have more than one orgasm during �the� sex.�

�Well, I guess I lied.�

Before that I usually had one orgasm and I was done. Normally I had a hard time having more than one orgasm a day. I don�t know why. My body is just weird like that.

So, umm, Yeah, I love couch sex. But can you blame me? I wish I had a couch to have the sex on. Of course I would need someone to have the sex with. But that�s just a minor technicality. :P

Pokemon makes me horny now.

Anyone wanna come over and watch Pokemon with me?

12:31 AM - 042100


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